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Non Fiction → Film & Music
Zeige 1-36 von 123 Ergebnissen
Eye on the World: Conversatio...
ab 10,00€
Judy Stone
Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?
ab 21,50€
Linda-Ruth Salter
Barry Blesser
The Tide Was Always High: The...
ab 19,50€
Josh (Ed.) Kun
Beyond and Before: Progressiv...
ab 15,00€
Martin Halliwell
Paul Hegarty
The Best of Abbie Hoffman: Se...
ab 15,00€
Abbie Hoffman
Tell It to the Stones: Encoun...
ab 12,50€
Tobias (Ed.) Hering
Annett (Ed.) Busch
In The Pleasure Groove – Love...
ab 15,00€
John Taylor
Paul McCartney: A Conversatio...
ab 6,00€
Christian Frietsch
Hold On to Your Dreams: Arthu...
ab 17,50€
Tim Lawrence
My Work in Films
ab 8,50€
Eugene Lourie
Brokeback Mountain Screenplay
ab 8,00€
Diana Ossana
Larry Mcmurtry
The Rough Guide to Reggae
ab 8,00€
Peter Dalton
Steve Barrow
An Education: Screenplay
ab 4,60€
Nick Hornby
What They Heard
ab 6,00€
Luke Meddings
Hot Stuff: A Brief History of Disco
ab 8,00€
John-Manuel Andriote
Seven Seasons of Buffy – Scie...
ab 6,00€
Glenn Ed. Yeffeth
The International Directory o...
ab 7,00€
Christopher (Ed.) Lyon
The International Dictionary ...
ab 7,00€
Christopher (Ed.) Lyon
The International Dictionary ...
ab 16,00€
James (Ed.) Vinson
Aim for the Heart: The Films ...
ab 9,50€
Howard Hughes
The Name Above the Title
ab 4,00€
Frank Capra
I Hate New Music – The Classi...
ab 8,00€
Dave Thompson
Sounding Things Out
ab 10,00€
Esther Venrooij
Interviews with Sound Artists
ab 200,00€
Rene (Ed.) Van Peer
Janet Cardiff: The Walk Book
ab 200,00€
Mirjam Schaub
Site of Sound: of Architectur...
ab 100,00€
Steve (Ed.) Roden
Brandon (Ed.) Labelle
Site of Sound: Of Architectur...
ab 25,00€
Brandon (Ed.) Labelle
Claudia (Ed.) Martinho
Scoring the Screen: The Secre...
ab 35,00€
Andy Hill
Sweet Anticipation: Music and...
ab 13,00€
David Huron
Formalized Music: Thought and...
ab 145,00€
Iannis Xenakis
Introduction to Electo-Acoustic Music
ab 20,00€
Barry Schrader
Process That Is the World, Th...
ab 80,00€
Joe Panzner
Fundamentals of Musical Composition
ab 4,60€
Arnold Schoenberg
Gerald (Ed.) Strang
Avant-Garde Film (Anthology F...
ab 50,00€
P. Adams (Ed.) Sitney
Berlin Events
ab 50,00€
Takehisa Kosugi
Abstract Film and Beyond
ab 50,00€
Malcolm Le Grice
Zeige 1-36 von 123 Ergebnissen